Sunday, November 15, 2009


I got my Cuttlebug! And I'm loving every minute of my playtime with it, but in order to really play and get the cards ready for this year, I need paper. I'm about two hours away from the nearest Michaels, so I have to get everything online or via Michigan :\

Anywho, now that I know I have things coming to me, I'm making sure I know all my stuff before I start experimenting. My new favorite website is! It's got a lot of tutorial videos for techniques as well as different ideas and inspiration pictures. That combined with the blogs and other websites, I can't be going in the wrong direction.

This Saturday is also the 'Thanksgiving Dinner' for church, so I will be attempting to make my mom's dressing, which is alway so yummy when she makes it!!! And on Sunday, two teachers I work with will be coming over and taking part in the traditional 1st and 2nd grade christmas ornament making: glitter pinecones. Only these pinecones are NOT the ones us Michiganders are used to. We're talking 6 inches long and at least the same around. Huge, and they're gonna be so much fun to make. (as long as we don't stab ourselves with them too much, they're sharp) And of course I have to make some sort of sweet for it, which means my Apple Struesel Cheesecake Bars are going to make their first appearance in Hawthorne!

Verdict: The brownie cupcakes - fail. More like brownie bricks :(

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The waiting game

So I'm out in Nevada, teaching K-12 music, which is exhausting at times, but completely doable. My only drawback aside from being 2200 miles away from all my friends and family is the fact that I couldn't take much with me. Mom is sending weekly packages thanks to the USPS Flat-Rate boxes so I'm slowly getting things that I need, but couldn't take with me. The problem is that not much of my crafting stuff will fit into those boxes. Not to mention that she doesn't know what most of it is. So....

I don't have any of my crafting supplies with me. I have two projects that came with all the pieces and parts, but that doesn't leave any room for me to be creative. That means I don't have any of my card pieces or jewelry supplies and I want to do it again. :(

HOWEVER, I've discovered something wonderful: Cuttlebug!!! I originally wanted a Cricut, but then saw the price tag and decided it would be something to invest in a bit later down the road... But the Cuttlebug was more in my price range, and it's not another thing I have to plug in to run it. Which, considering that the power decides to cut in and out over here a lot, is nice.

So now I wait. The Cuttlebug along with some dies and embossing folders are in the process of being shipped to me! It's like Christmas in... October/November... kinda. Anyway, I can't do much by way of crafting, aside from showing you those two projects that have been on hiatus for a while, and I'll get those up soon, but until then, it'll just be some baking, which I intend on getting some cupcake brownies done this weekend. Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Here goes nothing!

Ever since I moved out here, aside from teaching and finding furniture, there has been a whole lot of nothing going on. I love to bake/cook and craft, so I'm going to attempt something new each week! Some might work and some might not, but I'm gonna try. This isn't going to be some take from Julie and Julia, only my need to be creative and do something other than watch TV.

So let me know what you think, and I love getting ideas, so please send them my way! Recipes, craft stuff, anything!